Monday, August 31, 2009

Quiet Girl

I'm taking a Poetry class right now and am tasting words for their flavors not only as building blocks for a story and it's like my mind is being revived. I should not have lost the love of words in my attempt to write stories for poetry is part of prose.

Quiet Girl Sewn in a Blanket

By Emily Lawrence

Quiet girl. Quiet girl. Quiet girl.

Quiet girl. Quiet girl.

Forgotten voice. Forgotten voice.

Written voice.

Blanket white. Blanket white.

Rose petal blanket. Chick fluff blanket.

Waiting girl. Hiding girl.

Sewn up girl in a blanket.

Bread steam blanket.

Will anyone ever come for me?

Quiet girl. Quiet girl.

Sleep-drunk eyes. Hidden mouth.

Quiet girl.

Writes a poem to say her words.

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